söndag 27 mars 2011

Stockholm Miniature Show /miniatyrmässa


I just went back home from the miniature show in Stockholm and here you can see some picture.
In the top you can see my table and the new following two pictures are Maria´s  shabby chic miniatures.

Here you can see miniatures in scale 1:48 and 1:12 made by Siv Fors. Beutiful wicker furnitures and houses in a very tiny scale.

Here you can see Ruth´s wonderful Pettson House, made from a swedish child storybook called "Pettson & Findus".(Findus is the cat!)


This roombox are made by Gia and its a copy of a studyroom of a friend of hers.She had copy the books that in real life was lying on his table.

Here you can see Sigrid´s library. Its fantastic details too see, real leather books in the bookshelves. The dolls are just adorable! I just love the Brio toy and the electric train in the front.
Down under you see four pics, the first two I missed to catch their names - please leave a comment if you know.
The next two are made by Sandra Kinley and Eva Carsing.

Here you see Annie Ekström´s table´contains beutiful english miniatures.

Here is Minimani´s table, with beutiful furnitures in real leather, handmade dolls, wicker baskets, etc.

Here under you see Britt Andreassen´s stichery -kit and miniatures.

Here you see several beutiful gazebo houses made in a workshop at Skala Minimal.
They are all amazing and full of nice details inside and outside. In one of them the inside of the roof was painted, it was so beutiful.

Swedish chair from Kotte Toy´s! Here under you cen see an old school made by Gunilla, with chairs from Kotte´s shop.

Here you can see beutiful furnitures from Gullevi "Ett Dockhem". She makes the most beutiful tiny sticherys, take a look at the cusions in the wicker chairs.

 Here you can see very tiny blankets from Eva Margaretha Lövgren, at Mini Fancy Goods.

7 kommentarer:

Kathi sa...

Such beautiful little things! Thank you so much for sharing the photos. I see many things on YOUR table that I love!

onbeingaminimum sa...

This looks like a very interesting show. I hope you had much success.

Pubdoll sa...

Så mye fint, takk for at du delte bildene med oss Lena! Håper du fikk solgt mye!
Likte vedlig godt Pettson og Findus-huset siden vi har flere av bøkene. Kontoret til Gia og biblioteket til Sigrid var også flotte, artig detalj med modelljernbanen på gulvet!
Og jeg ville kjøpt en hel drøss med Carol's keramikk hadde jeg vært der, så nydelig!

Anonym sa...

ooooooo fabulous pictures...thank you :D Linda x

Lena sa...

Pubdoll, i oktober kommer Carol till Stockholm med sin keramik. Kankse du skulle planera in en resa till sverige då?
Det skulle vara så roligt att träffa dej!


Lotta sa...

So many wonderful things, it would have been great to come and visit the show. Those tiny blankets in the last picture are so adorable!

Oh and I love the Pettson and Findus' house! (Though it's Viiru and Pesonen to me. :D) Those books have been a very important part of my childhood. <3

Teresa Martínez- IGMA artisan sa...

Gracias por las fotos!!
Desconocia esta feria.