Here is som news in The Summer Retreat! I bought a wicker chair and a table made in metal,it´s really cute i think. I also bought som more china, this is in turqouise and white and I love this kind of design. I´ve more of it as you can see in the pic down under in the cabinet, but in another colours. I just think it´s fit in great to this house.The water melon is canes that I just cut, but the strawberrycake are made by me from sculpey..
Here i painted another side table, but this one was white. Its perfect washstand to the bedroom.
The laundy basket are made by Eva and I just love the dark brown colour.
Here I put some printed paper, with roses, in the cutlery drawer and doown here I got som new wooden spoons and a wine bottel to use when cocking...
Here you see my china in the cabinet, I´ve got pink, blue and turqouise.There is also som napkins and in the bottom a lot of tasblecloths.

20 kommentarer:
Todo precioso!!!
I like the style of your retreat. I find your quilts very well done, I like the colours.
Es todo precioso!! Me fascina el estilo Shabby Chic!! Un besote enorme!!
Lovely and delicate! So beautiful!
Wonderful retreat, you have Lena. I like the soft colors. Your quilts are great, my favorite is the one at the left.
Love, Susanne
Jag skulle vilja flytta till dit retreat! It looks so cosy and cute and your quilts are absolutely adorable. The one with bird is my favourite!
Todo está muy bonito.Las telas son preciosas¡¡¡ y las tazas del juego de café me encanta¡¡¡.Todo con mucho gusto.Felicidades¡¡¡
Your retreat is beautiful! I love your quilts! They are very pretty.
I felt in love with your quilt!
Lena, Everything looks so wonderful and cozy!
Wonderful thinks and pictures, I like very much the quilts. Best wishes
A beautiful peaceful atmosphere, I love it all but specially the pink and white china.
It all looks beautiful, the aqua and pink trimmed china goes so well in the kitchen and your quilts look amazing.
Your retreat is precious! I think your quilts are all lovely and the colors to everything are perfect. =)
I love everything as usual :-)
Mini hugs, Flora
The table and chair is a lovely little setting and your quilts are absolutely lovely.
I'm into filling cabinets myself now and I love all the little details in yours.
hello..good job..this is great.
Me ha encantado el tapete de ganchillo, es como el de las mesas camillas de antiguamente donde se sentaban las familias para charlar y jugar a cartas.
Un abrazo
I really like your style decorating dollhouses!
Everything is beautiful in your retreat.
The strawberry cake looks delicious and the quilts just adorables.
I adore your quilts. I love your colour choices!
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