It is almost 400 followers and its far exeeded expectations! I am amazing happy for that and would like to give something back to you.
To participate in this drawing of my give away you just have to do a few things...
First becoming a follower of my blog!
Then copy this picture and post in your own blog and link to this post.
Finally leave a comment to tell me that you like to participate.
I will pic the winner at 14th september , which is my sons thirtheenth birthday.
He gets the mission to draw the winner!
Good Luck Everyone!
112 kommentarer:
Hi Lena
What a lovely giveaway, please count me in....those cushions are just so beautiful!! Congratulations on your 400 followers (wow!)
Congratulations on your 400 followers
oh! yes, I join your give away and put the link on my blog! thanks!
Congratulations on your 400 followers!!
I put the link on my blog.
Are you allready sind up for my giveaway?
Oh Lena, that wonderful give away ...
Since I'm one of the lucky 400 followers, participated with great joy!
You are for me a great source of inspiration :-)
Mini hugs, Flora
Congradulations, I will take part of this giveawawy! Love your minis!
Hi Lena,I woild love to participate in your lovely giveaway!I love your work!Congrats for the friens,Miniregards.
Congratulations, so many followers! I put a link to my page. I would like to participate in a wonderful draw.
congratulations with four hundred followers! :D
i would love to join the giveaway:-)
p.s. i love your blogg and the things you do, you realy inspired me.
Congratulations Lena on your 400 followers!
I've left a link from my blog along with the photo, so please count me in on your give away!
Hi Lena !
Congratulations your 400 followers :)
I put a link to your blog.
Please count me in.
Please enter me. The give away is great.
Wonderful gifts ! Please count me in,and congratulations on your followers !!!
I put your giveaway on my blog.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo y poder conseguir esas maravillas.
Eres muy generosa.
Subo el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension
Hi Lena,
I saw your Give Away at Lainies blog and had to jump in - what a funny conincidence, I started my first blog giveaway today, too. It's nice to be a follower of your beautiful blog from now on and I'll link you immediately.
Greetings from Germany
Wow 400 followers. Congratulations!
Please count me in!
Lena, What an incredible Giveaway!! I would really love to participate in this one!!!! Congratulations on 400 followers!! Your things are so lovely that it will be a much higher number in the future!!
A beautiful blog. I would love to be included in your giveaway.
Congratulations Lena on your 400 followers! I join your give away and put the link on my blog.Wonderful minis!
Hello Lena, congratulations for your 401 followers, your blog is wonderful, I like participate in your give away. Tks and best wishes. Gemma (ponsxpons)
400! I would love to participate in this great giveaway! Lovely things.
Hej Lena
Grattis till dina 400 följare
Jag vill gärna vara med på din give-away. Jag länkar den till min sida.
Kram Britt
What a beautiful giveaway! I published the picture and link on my blog today. Congratulations for over 400 followers!
What a lovely giveaway! I would love to participate, but unfortunately I don't have a blog to post your link on. =( Still such a beautiful giveaway. Congratulations on all of your followers! =)
I will also participate. It is my first time in no-finnish-blog.. exciting :) SO lovely minis :)
I posted your give away congratulations on over 400 followers. Your giveaway is so adorable...love the little bench!
Soy una enamorada de tus trabajos. Me encantan!! Gracias por la oportunidad de participar en el sorteo, voy enseguida a ponerlo en mi blog.
Gratulations! :-D
Ja ville också vara med på Give Away och har länktad den till min blog.
Please count me in your fabulous giveaway. Thank you for this opportunity ஐ
Hi Lena,
What a beautiful give-away, i'd love to be included in the draw.
Thank you in advance!
Congratulations with over 400 followers :)
Hej Lena,
congratulations on your 400 followers!!
Please, count me in to your lovely draw! I added your link on my blog.
I think that your cute giveaway items are like done to my Söpökatu! I keep my fingers crossed:D
Congratulations Lena for your 409 followers, I anounce your giveaway in the left sidebar of my blog, the gifts are so beautiful! hugs and good luck to all!
hello Lena, ¡congratulations for your blog, is very pretty¡
i put your giveaway in my blog
la coruña - españa
a kiss for your and thank you so much
Hi Lena, It's a lovely give-a-way. Congratulations on the over 400 followers. Please count me in on the draw. I've posted a link on my blog.
Felicidades Lena por esos 400 seguidores, realmente son muchos. Por supuesto que me gustaría participar en tu sorteo. Ya he puesto link en mi blog. Besos.
Felicidades por los 400 seguidores!! no me extraña porque haces cosas preciosas!!
Me encatara participar en tu sorteo.
Besos y gracias.
Yo tambien estoy de sorteo en mi blog, si quieres pasa por alli!!
It is a lovely prize Lena, and it would be lovely in my Petit Parterre. A very generous gift, please count me in!
Congratulations on 411 followers :0) Please count me in to your giveaway. Your minis are fab :0)
Julia x
I am glad I found your blog because of your giveaway. You make beautiful things and I like your idea for a shop. I would love to be in your giveaway. The items are so pretty. And congrats on your 400+(!)followers. Well done!
I would love to enter your giveaway and I am now a follower. Congrats on over 400 followers.
Lovely blog. According successor.
Vilka fina presenter! Vill vara med i din Give Away - kanske jag har nån lycka också med mig, hoppas!!
Det är länge sen jag varit och kikat in i din blog. Måste gå runt lite :D
Grattis! How wonderful giveaway present.
Congratulation on the (already more) than 400 followers. I´w would be delighted to participate in this beautiful giveaway. Please count me in.
Congratulations Lena on your 400 followers! I join your giveaway and put the link on my blog.You have lovely minis!
Hi, first congratulations with your over 400 followers!
I am one of them, because I like yor blog very much!
I hope you will count me in for your give away, I like it, it's lovely!
I've got your advertising of the give away on my blog.
Greetings Jody.
I would like to participate to this give away.
Lovely minis :oD
Hi Lena, it is a gorgeous giveaway. Would you please count me in? Congratulations on your 419 followers!
Grattis till att ha så många som följer din blogg!
Hi Lena,
Congratulations on your (more then) 400 followers!
What a lovely give away,please count me in.....
It must be my lucky day 14 september because that's the day my husband and i are 24 years together ;-)
Hej Lena!
Helt underbara grejer du har i din Give-Away! jag länkar till dig på min blogg. :)
Muchas gracias y felicidades por esos 400 seguidores.
Subo el enlace a mi blog.
Thank your for offering such a lovely giveaway! I would love to enter!! I have posted a link on my blog :o)
Enhorabuena por tantos seguidores! el regalo a sortear es una maravilla, y me encantaría participar para conseguirlo. Ya tengo enlazado tu blog en el mio así más gente puede ser tu seguidor. Un beso.
un blog encantador . no me extraña sus muchos seguidores . estoy encantado de poder participar en su sorteo un saludo
Congratulations for your over 400 followers.
I put the link on mi bloguncit
422 followers already!
i like to participate to and i like your blog!
greetz linda
Hello Lena,
nice your first giveaway and congratulations for your 423 followers .... I will be happy to participate .... many kisses
very pretty things! definately count me in. I have been following for awhile now. Its a very generous giveaway, thanks so much for doing it.
Jeg vil gjerne være med i trekningen! Så flott give-away! :-) Gratulerer med over 400 følgere!
Congratulation for your 4oo followers!!! It's a great number!!!
not surprise because you do a lot of beautiful minis...
I will be very happy to run your giveaway but now I'm away for my holiday and I can't ( very bad internet connection..) put on my blog the picture of your g.a....can I do it when I come back??
I am working on a bench like this one but it's a big one. I'm one of your follower. I love miniatures.
Wow! This is a great gift Lena! Please, please, please count with me!!! :) I love them.
Congratulations on the really well deswerved followers.
By the way your latest projects looks so interesting..
I would love to enter this lovely giveaway.
Congratulations on your 400 followers. It`s a very nice blog. All the miniatures are so nice.
Your give away is so lovley. I take the picture and a link on my blog.
Lovley greetings
Congrats on your more than 400 followers!
Wonderful giveaway, and I would like to enter this one!!!
I am a follower for some time now and will make an anouncement of your giveaway on my blog.
Hallo Lena,
Congratulations on your 400 followers. Your Blog ist very nice and I love your wonderful miniatures. I take your picture from your Give Away on my blog.
Best Regards
You have so many followers, congratulations! :)Sorry but I´m not coming to the fair in Sweden. I don´t have time to do anything anymore. :) I started to study again,so my life is kind of busy with all that school stuff and with the family (three kids). And yes, I have made the boxes by myself (and everything else too). If you are interested about a swap some items, let me know. :)
Congratulations on <your fabulous over 400 followers! Yes; I just joined in to be your follower, and I love your Dollhouse! It is gorgeous!
And Yes, I like to be one in this Giveaway! There is only one problem...I don`t know how to put this link... Having problems with my skills....
Hi Lena!!
Congratulations for your 400 followers!!!
I like so much your give away and join it!!
¡Guuuaaaa!!! que regalos mas lindos!!
Me encantara participar !!!
Admiro mucho todo lo que haces( =
Tienes un gusto y unas manos maravillosas!!
Ahora lo pongo en mí blog ( ;
hello ... i am a new follower!
Congratulations for your work!
I put the link on my blog and I would like to join your give away
thank you very much by Rosella
Have to participate!! Of corce, so cute things you have there!! Congarts for your 400 followers!!
Thank you Lena, wonderful prize!
Congrats for the 400 followers , I'm very happy to join your giveaway.Rosanna
Felicidades por tus 400 seguidores.
Me encantan tus trabajos
Un beso
What a great giveaway, thank you for having it! I am following you now and blogged about your contest: http://thediydollhouse.blogspot.com/2010/08/miniatyrmamas-giveaway.html please enter me! I also have a link to your blog on my page now. Thank you so much!
*mini hugs*
Hello !
Congratulations on your 400 followers! You have wonderful miniworld, lovely. I would like to take part of this lovely give away.
With Love katrilli
and linked :O)
Congratulation with the 400 followers and thank you for the possibility to win this beautiful give-away.
Hi I love your miniatures, I have your blog in the favorites of my blog "Miniatures of the world", I'd love to participate on your giveaway, I'm doing a shabby chic house and this giveaway would stay fantastic on my house. :)
I already put the link in my blog.
Thanks for this giveaway Lena!. My Bday is also September 14th!. Ill post your wonderfull giveaway at my blog!.
Hugs from Madrid.
Vanesa from Madrid
Hi Lena...congra on your 400 followers...I´ll put your link in my blog fulldecositas.blogspot.com (I´m also with y first give away!)
My name is Ro and my email rvsomer@yahoo.es
Hi Lena,
my congratulations for such a lot of followers!!!
Your miniatures are so cute... I just can't find words for it and would be happy to participate in your blog-giveaway.
Tinchen ;-)
Enhorabuena por tantas seguidoras,no me extraña porque haces maravillas,me apunto al sorteo y me llevo el logo a mi blog,espero tener suerte,un saludo
Congratulations for your 400 followers.
hi fantastic givveaway. congratulations on your 400 followers!! I try to win... count me in...and add your link into my blog!! ... I love your works.. fantastic!!
hugs from italy
barbara - my little dream
hola buenas me a encantado tu blog. te felicito por tus 400 seguidores, pero con el arte q tienes seguro q llegaras a mil. un besote enorme desde canarias. (me gustaria participar en tu sorte)
No conocia tu blog pero me ha encantado lo que he visto, haces cosas preciosas, me gustaria participar en el sorteo, ya me he hecho seguidora y ahora pongo el aviso en mi blog. Besos. Yolanda.
This is a lovely giveaway you offer and congratulations on your 400 followers.
Hei Lena.
Kielipää ei minulla olen mitenkään hyvä, joten suomeksi sinua tässä onnittelen reilusti yli 400 fanista. Se on huikea määrä. =)
Mutta miniatyyrisi ovatkin upeita.
Congratulations on your 400 followers!!!
I love your minis.
Muchas felicidades por los 400 seguidores.Me gusta mucho tus trabajos.
Me gustaria participar en el sorteo.
Hello Lena ! Congrats on your 400 followers. It's a wonderful giveaway and I'll be very happy to join it !
Mini hugs, Marie
Hi there
Congratulation to 448 followers...
What a nice kind of givaway...so I try to get it...thank you
I link it at my blog...
kind regards from germany
Felicidades por tu blog, a tu hijo, y ese día ¡es también mi cumpleaños!! Un beso
Hi Lena
thankyou for providing such lovely gifts! - love the blog! and congratulations on your 400 followers!
ciao Lena!!!
spero di essere a tempo per l'iscrizione !
thank for your giveaway !!
mini hugs ♥
Hola Lena, felicidades por tus 400 seguidoras!! Haces unas miniaturas preciosas. Me he quedado con la boca abierta al verlas!! Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo asi que ahora mismo pongo un banner en la barra derecha de mi blog y por supuesto ya me he hecho seguidora tuya :D
Huhu Lena,
du machst wirklich wunderschöne Sachen und ich mache gerne bei deinem Give away mit.
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland,
Congrats, Lena
Lovely giveaway, I'll take the banner to may blog.
Hi Lena! I am a new follower of your blog.
Your creations are wonderful and congrats on your 400 followers =)
Pls enter me for your blog giveaway. I have added your link on my blog: www.waynestonbears.blogspot.com
I just found your blog and became a follower. Please sign me up for your cute, little giveaway.
It is always fantastic to participate to a giveaway and yours is very very nice. My compliments for your beautiful handcrafts
What a lovely giveaway!!!I join your give away and put the link on my blog! thanks for chance to win!
Поздравляю! ССылка в блоге на панельке. Читателем стала. http://ogachka.blogspot.com/
wow! amazing giveaway!
I want to play with you...
please enter my name....
Eva from Serbia
Gostaria de participar do sorteio.
No meu blog também há um sorteio na primavera!
Um grande abraço
I love your give away please count me in!! I put the link on my blog!! minibonbons.blogspot.com
Congratulations on your 400 followers! I put the link on my blog and I would be happy to join your give away. Thank you very much for this possibility!
Hello, Lena,
Although I usually have no luck in giveaways, but I'd like to try and win this one =) It's just beautiful! The link is on the right sidebar http://handicraftmeadow.blogspot.com/
Thank U for the chance!
Dear Lena, I am one of your new reader ...
My name is Cora and I think your blog is beautiful as your creations!
I am happy to join your wonderful giveaway ...
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